Monday, December 10, 2012

It's not much, but it's me

I, in no way, think that my experiences in life have been more meaningful than yours.  I've simply been told that I have a way of pinpointing that exact emotion, that feeling in the spur of the moment, and putting every bit of it into words that leave you nodding your head in agreement and remembering a time in your life when you felt exactly that same way.  I've always enjoyed writing - poems, thoughts, memories.  Most of these have been kept to myself, because my writing is personal.  It's real.  It speaks to me.

Currently, I'm a separated mom of two, in the process of re-creating and finding myself.  "Adult Tara" has never known an "adult life" without being someone's wife, someone's mom, someone's something.  Today, I write as just me.  I'm learning how to be just 'someone' and not 'something to someone.'  Many of my friends find themselves on this same road and if the power of my words can help them, I can hope to help you as well.  We can walk this road together.

I leave you with my feelings for this day.  It's amazing when you finally find yourself on the other side of the fence in the middle of a divorce.  It's an empowering feeling, knowing that this person no longer holds so much power over your emotions.  

He had changed me.  I knew I was scarred for life.  This kind of hurt leaves a mark.  What I didn't know was how long it would take that scar to heal.  Every time I saw him, it was like someone had peeled back the scab on an old wound.  The sharp pain cutting through to my very core, making me question again who I once was and who I thought I had become.  This time was different.  This time, I saw him for what he was - perhaps for what he always had been.  A friend.


  1. Tara,

    You are very inspirational, even to those of us not going through what you're going through. I for one appreciate your courage, determination, passion, and love for yourself and your children. You prove that it doesn't necessarily take "a special someone" to be in your life to make it worth living.

    The way I look at life: It's like a deck of cards. God deals the cards every day and we're forced to play the hand we're dealt. Sometimes the hand is great and sometimes it's not. Even in the times when the hand isn't the greatest, we can't just end the game and call it quits. Otherwise, what would be the point?

    God has everything in control and I know you know that. I also know that you've realized just how strong you are and how independent you can be. :)

    Thank you for being an inspiration. I consider myself blessed to be able to say I've known you all of these years, even since we were kids (literally). Love you honey!


  2. I don't know you that well but your strength and honesty is amazing.

  3. Love it. You are strong and beautiful inside and out. I have no doubt that there are great things in store for you. <3

  4. :) good idea Tara! I have been journaling a ton going through this same has helped me tremendously! I am not at the point that I can be his friend, but I no longer feel like crying or yelling everytime I see him... :-)

    1. It's an amazing feeling when your back in charge of your own tears and smiles and your actions towards him! :)

  5. As we don't know each other that well, I never really comment on your statuses. However, it is awesome to see you get to this point as I know the road here has not been easy.

    1. Not an easy road to travel - that's for sure! Uphill both ways in the snow!! ;)
